Wednesday 25 November 2015

Preparing for Blighty yet again. I wish I had shares in Ryanair!

Hi Guys From a surprisingly rainy and coldish Spain. Corr have I been busy. Doing what? Heaven only knows but nipping backwards and forwards to the blooming UK is becoming a favouriter pastime. No not favourite..Im not that sad! Life at Marjal continues to be pretty much the same with the normal but the weather hasnt been too bad. I have entered theSpanish Health system which somehow seems to have taken up most of my time and is a real education in itself.
aving been released from the excelleny spanish hospital that undoubtedly saved my life I was put on medication. We bought it over the counter and it came to about 140 euros for a month medication. ouch! Thinking that I was being clever I booked an appointment with Medcare, a British Dr at Benijofar. 90 euros. Thank you very much. What a waste of money! I had gone as some people are apparently only on these expensive drugs for a month, others 6 months etc and you cant just stop taking them. I wanted to know what I can and cant do etc. All I can say is if you have any suicidal thoughts do not go there! No padel?! No alcohol! No red meat! No fat! No dairy products! Not even a cup of flaming tea. Her words were "Dont go drinking that semi skimmed stuff. It must be totally skimmed! See you ina year!" What?! Is she for real? Dave was feel ing as dispondant as I was. We got in the car. He said "What are you going to do now?" He could seethat it was a rare occassion that I was lost for words. "I can tell you what YOU are going to do next/ Take me to a restauramt and buy me an f off piece of steak with a glass of red wine!" Yum! Its not something I normally do, well the red wine bit is! Life is not worth living. Rollocks to this. I managed to trackdown the Consultant cardiologist who treated Dave 9 years ago. Well he obviousdly did something right as hes still here! I tracked him doen. He had retired from the NHS but worked 2 days a week privately. Yes an appontment! Ryanair booked! One big problem..they cant turn my blood resulrs round in 24 hours in Hull! Ok. I will get Medcare to take my blood andf take the results to Hull. 200 euros please! Despite knowing the urgency etc, and assurances that they would be back 2 days before I flew I found myself demanding my blood results from Medcare an hour before I flew! Avoid stress she said! She was the bloody cause of it! My blood pressure through the chuffing roof with rage!
Anyhow getting off a plane in Leeds at 5pm is not stressful at all! I love traffic jams on motorways! My daugher and grandaughter had picked me up. Time to stop for a coffee. Costa Crap. 2 coffess 2 biscuit things and a drink of Pepsi.hardly any change from 20 pounds! Yes 20 pounds! Im surprised you didnt hear the Yorkshire War cry "How much!" Its only 1.20 a cup of decent coffee in Spain. Thats about 80p!
Anyhow without turning into Mrs Mildrew or her sister. The appointment went great. When I askred him if I could dtink he looked at me as though I was stupid! Exercise? Of course! oh what a sensible man life was so much better except I have to stay on the expensive tablets! He was greatly impressed with the condition of my heart as there is minimal damage and it is just about normal. I asked him to repeat it..something about me is normal?!! He stated that Spain is leading the way in cardiology but there afterv care was a bit hit and miss! "no shit sherlock!" He put it doen to the speed of their intervension....phew! A family meal and a flight back to spain. All very civilised except for the bloody hen party that was going to Benidorm and about 2 rows in front of me. Dave was waiting for me. "You ok?!" "No noyt really Ive just bumped the car!" Ok he was trying to break it to me mildly. Anyone who knows Alicante airport car park will know about the low and narrow concrete walls..well believe me they are strong! 600 euros worth of damage to the car! sH""T Happens. I think it hurt his male pride more than anything else. So life carries on as normal with a dented car and a dented husbands pride! Could I care less after everything thats happened? Could I hell!
A very good friend of mine suggested that I got a SIP card. This is a bit like the Spanish EHIC but sallows you to use the Spanish Heathcare system. Most people only pay 10 p[ercent of the cost of their medication..hmm I will have some of that! Well what an education that was! Into Crevillent we must go. To the Social Security Office! Ive never been in a Social Security Office in my life to claim anything! Anyhow its wierd. There are Doctors, nurses, a health centre in the same building! Eventually we get called through and within seconds I am the proud holder of a SIP card.I have arrived. I couldnt see a Dr the same day spo I madr an apppointment for yesterday at 1030 in the same building. Well firstly its all so informal and really quite nice in a bizzare kind of way. The Doctor came flying to her office at 10.20 to start her day! Queues of people to see her. I just sat like the others and was eventually seen over an hour later! She was so ordinary! No airs or graces. Friendly and helpful. I was given a prescription for 6 months supply of my tablets. Victory! Its all been worth it..until I went to the pharmacy! I have to pay 50 percent because Im only 55! If I was 60 I would only pay10 percent! Did I choose to have a heart attack at 55?!!!!My dad has a lot to answer for! Its all heriditary! S""t happens! Thank goodness I have a decent pension. It does make you think of those less fortunate who would be struggling. Many out here just cheat the UK but our Doctors imposed very very strict dont get me going on that one as honesty is not always the best policy! lol
So why Blighty today? Well when my brother was taking me to the airport he received a phone call that his operation is due to take place on Friday in Hull. Its on his leg and he lives in a flat ON A FIRST FLOOR with no lifts! Good old Hull Royal. He has to be there at 0730 in the morning. My daughter live the otherside of Hull and has to get her daughter to school etc. Theres only my mum who is also in Spain so Ryanair win again! Blighty here I come! I cant wait to hit Leeds at 5pm and sit in traffic jams! Yorkshire the largest County in the Country and no decent friggin airports only in the middle of the Moors on the outskirts of a busy city! Grr!!! Please can we have Heathrows new runway or HS2 or whatever?! Northern Powerhouse , City of Cultutre and all that rubbish.. we cant even get there! It takes me longer to get to the airport than it does the flight! Knowing the way my luck has been running of late the hen party will probably be on their return flight! I have a spanish learning programme downloaded on my tablet that I use on the plane..Given the amount of time Im spending in aircraft I should be fluent in Spanish  by next week! oh and broke!
Oh and if anyone else says to me "You going all that was with your heart!" My stock reply is "Well I dont want to go without it could I?!" Dont we all say some stupid but well meaning things?! S""t happens. Im still here! Get over it! Move on! Have a good day. Adios amigos!