Tuesday 25 August 2015

Wandering again-what a difference 24 hours can make!

Well after we had Hosted the Russian Tour for the Caravan Club we had a lovely week camping with our grandaughter in North Yorkshire and after that everything went down hill, Including the British Summer! We suddenly had coughs and splutters that we hadn't had for at least 5 years and had forgotten how grotty colds are. We simply couldn't shake it off.  One day it was pleasant and sunny and then there was rain,damp and more bloody rain! We were extremely fortunate that the Club wanted some muppets to do a "recce " in Morocco  so who did they ask? Hmm "do we have mugs written on our fore heads?! How could I say "no". We have taken groups across there before but never really stayed..so here goes! All that was far too easy. Getting a ferry at fairly short notice was also problematic due to the problems at Calais more people are looking for alternative routes. Eventually we managed to squeeze on to the Plymouth-Santander Ferry on Sunday night. We were only able to book a 4 berth inside cabin but hey Ho we were going! Thank goodness we left Yorkshire early. The M5-what the heck is all that about? ! 9 hours to travel to Taunton! We really are a third world country where our basic infrastructure can't cope and even if you ever managed to get into fourth gear beware of the speed cameras at 50mph! Eventually we stayed in a CL which was basically a pub car park. £13.50  A night! No showers and only loos when the pub was open! Oh the business was up for sale and he informed us that no matter what he shut the pub at 10pm! What?! The pub was quite busy but true to his word it closed at 10pm!
Sunday morning came and the Devon hospitality continued to excel Thunderstorms, lightening and the forecast predicted a tornado! In torrential rain, coughing and spluttering we headed slowly and carefully for the docks. ......dockside and sunshine! The ferry was late in but who cared we were getting on it. The wonderful Pont AveN that we have been on many times over the years.  Yes she is old but has been taken care of and has had at least one major refit to my knowledge. We opened our cabin door with no natural light and it was dim to put it mildly but it was clean and the beds felt comfortable. We had a lovely meal on board and bought at the bar! Unlike the pub where wine was £5 a glass and P and O prices things were reasonable. Not cheap but not a total rip off.  A great evening. The sea was like a millpond until 2am! Wow! Angry wild sea,tossing our little boat all over the place. I am not a good sailor and I'm not frightened of water but I was seriously beginning to wonder if I could swim ashore to France if I had to!  Things flying, crashing banging all around us. Security were closing the bars and restaurants and apparantly everyone was told to stay in their cabins.  I say "apparently" as at 2am I was already well in the land of nod. Things in our cabin were creek ing and it had nothing to do with our bones! Awake all night as in between the tossing (behave!) staff were using the lift that's shaft ran next to our bloody cabin!
Anyhow we arrived safely with no swmiming involved. In a different world. Few cars on the fast and efficient motorways.  Sun shining. Beautiful scenery. Tired as we were it was a sheer joy.
We only drove for maybe a couple of hundred miles to an old favourite El Astral at Tortillas, South of Burgos. The pool was open. Kids having fun. Sunshine,warmth,cleanliness all as standard. What had I been thinking of?  We needed euros and milk. We just nipped into the town.  Free parking just about everywhere. Just being able to "nip". No bloody machines to pay. No yellow paint plastered everywhere. What a difference in 24 hours! A drink of wine on a lovely terrace  €1.50! Well it would be rude not to! Hey and not only do I have a phone signal but spot on wifi in the caravan! Why the he'll would anyone WANT to stay in the UK?  How can they afford to camp there?! The waterproof clothing and groundsheets are already dried out.  Our coughs and splutters have gone. I've had a great nights sleep, now what shall we do? Breakfast outside watching the world wake up and a day at the pool?! Yep the only thing that's not here is my family but hopefully I will catch up with them again soon when they fly out to us. All I can say is wandering is the best way of living! Europe is the best continent but who knows what Morocco will bring? I do know that I am one very lucky old gal!