Wednesday 30 July 2014

Wandering again!

Well its a long time since I last blogged and I like to try and keep in the habit as its my on line diary and reminds me of where I've been and sometimes even where I am!
I survived the champagne Tour hosting for the Caravan Club. That was a really tough job. I spent about a month in a CL at Burton Pidsea and lovely as the Yorkshire Countryside is I'd had enough. It was hit and miss if you got a telephone signal never mind the internet.
Last Monday in sheer desperation I rang the Club " Just get me out of here. Book me on a ferry. I don't care if I have to row the bloody thing!" I had no sooner put down the phone when I got an urgent email from the Club. They were desparate for someone to inspect 12 sites at short notice in the South of France! Err let me think! Im your girl. Bugger the idea if spending time in Brittany before our big tour! How jammy were we?!
The ferry was only just one better than a rowing boat. It really has gone down the pan. The sailing cost £500 for a dirty cabin and the entertainment...? Bingo in one bar and piano music in the other. Now I love piano music but if there had been a sharp knife nearby I think I would have lost the will to live. To make matters worse it was organised chaos. We were supposed to disembark around 9 am but we finally escaped at midday! I did feel sorry for one young family that had pre booked everything and had 400 miles to drive in heavy rain. I dread to think what time they got to their campsite. We were OK as time didn't matter to us. We stopped at Municipal due Chalons in champagne south of Paris. This was a 4 star municipal. A little basic but free WiFi. Lovely walks in the area and a lake on site. There were lots of Brits on. Due to the weather we were unable to walk by the canal into town. There is also a little bar and restaurant. I believe it was about 25 euros a night which is a bit pricey for a municipal but last nights......I MUST go back to.Municipal Dom Pierre Sir Besbre just north of Clermont Ferrand. It was fan. The camping area was in the grounds of the sporting complex but sectioned off. The pitches were huge and flat. Water on individual pitches as well as flowers. Free with fi. Walking distance to town. 10 amp elec for....10 euros!

We were going to stay longer there but we simply couldn't stand another day of rain so we moved off to another municipal further south at Chanac, north of Nimes,near the Gorges of Tarn. An incredible area and the campsite has a municipal pool within its grounds etc. Free WiFi. 6amp electricity but its incredibly run down and scruffy. Such a shame as the potential here is huge. 11 euros a night. One really good thing is that it maybe overcast but its finally stopped raining! Its warm! The approach roads were quite difficult for a caravan too
I've just looked and my photography is definitely getting better as it quite flatters the place! I had a job to get round the campsite as the trees all needed cutting and were catching the roof! No english is spoken here and we are the only foreigners that would or could be a little intimidating. I certainly wouldn't recommend this one! At 11 euros can I really grumble? yes in comparison to last night! Lol Tomorrows another day and another place! Au Revoir!